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Nov 2017
I looked into your face
And wondered if I should take a chance on you
Or if you might
Be the same
So I took a chance
I might as well I thought

As we walked in the cold
Walking through your apartment
Soaking up who you are or must be
You had my favorite record
This must be a sign I thought.

But all my thinking
All my imagining
All the fantasizing we did
For the next week
I circled in red
After it was made clear to me
By a series of your actions
That I couldn't
And didn't want to keep this up.

Back in Chicago
I'm reminded of that
I felt this anxious feeling
And I wonder if your mind wanders to me
How quickly you shut me out
For fear of admitting
You ****** this up.

It makes me kinda laugh and smile
Not with bitterness
But just at
The great surrender
Of letting go
Chalking it up
Having the confidence to admit it
And moving on.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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