Call me an old fashion man I like holding my girls hand I like spending time together Talking about how the day went and the weather I like going out on dates I don't care if you take food from my plate I like holding her when she's cold Let her know that I'm there to keep her warm I like telling her how my day went How she listens to me when I need to vent I like to hear her voice How when she sees me she feels rejoice How she tells me her story about how she grew up How she dresses her self and puts on her makeup How she comforts me when I'm feeling down But I hate to see her frown I love to buy her flowers Her favorites are sunflowers I love to surprise her with gifts Out of the blue just get her a teddy bear with ribbons She loves how I open doors for her I love to show her off everywhere Present her as the center of attention Let everyone know she's mine, it's all about presentation I'm not afraid to show affection When she's afraid, I'll be her protection Call me old fashion But my woman is my passion