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Nov 2017
By: Cedric Mclester

The President must be hating
That Flynn’s cooperating
With the Special Prosecutor
Which could render him neuter
Although he now has *****
Watch him as each one falls
They’re coming for Don Junior too
What’s a President to do?

The President must be hatimg
That Mueller caught him waiting
Wondering what the **** to do
Pull the trigger? He has no clue
He’s frightened of the consequences
Cos the third cycle always rinses
And the fact remains
That he’s gone through great pains

The President must be hating
That Manafort is now debating
Whether to turn state’s evidence
He’s going bonkers from the suspense
It’s only now that he can see
That he might be in jeopardy
And he’s too old to do the time
If he has to pay for his crime

The President must be hating
That Pence is probably waiting
To assume the crown
As he watches him come down
“No more trips to Mar-A-Lago,”
Says his personal Iago.
“If he had thought or only known
That I was destined for the throne?”

Cedric McClester, Copyright ©2017.  All rights reserved.
Written by
Cedric McClester  New York, New York
(New York, New York)   
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