I hear a calling But I prefer falling So I practice avoidance It's a void dance To an annoyed trance To avoid a glance Or taking a chance
People take pieces they don't plan on returning The only replacement is the sensation of burning In this hell With no one to tell Because I locked my heart Which felt like a good start Until loneliness pervaded my soul And I can't climb out of this hole
I create isolation When there's no inspiration I discontinue integration And go on permanent vacation I watch movies To feel groovy I write Out of sight I play video games To avoid shame I decide to act lame So no one asks my name
I begin to feel sour In my lonely tower I used to think independence was power Until I found myself in my darkest hour With only friends to help The same friends I put on a shelf That are now mythical like an elf
Is life just giving all my pieces away? Disconnection leaves my life grey But if I decide to stay My love they will slay They will toy with my emotions Until I feel their encroachment But I'd rather have a toy's chance Than live my life in a void dance