Eyes shut, still Sleeping silent, inhale exhale A poisoned blade lingers to the touch Goes deeper And deeper And deeper still Till Pain's unbearable Till Pain comes up to me Swirls in my head Wells my eyes up red Playfully runs down my veins And smirks at my face As if to say It's only just a matter of time Two more seconds and I'll go away Hush, another second and I'll leave you One second more, I swear Just one second more But Pain never leaves me alone. It rather continues Licks down my cheekbones Continues pressing kisses Down my jawline asleep only seconds ago No - that was centuries. Go away - I plead You deserve this - it sneers But my body is the only thing left to call my own. I continue staring Pain in the eye Take my soul and leave my body - I tell it So it smirks wider Runs the blade down deeper Seals my lips, won't let me scream Not a cry, not even a whimper But pierces down the **** deeper still. Deep enough to let each drop Embrace my tender flesh Every poisoned particle Fuses into my dying bloodstream. Pain descends into my body Absorbs into my nerves Flickers my eyes down shut Numbs the depths of my brain. It finally decides I've tortured you enough - Pain says So it casually stoops down To the last place remaining - my beating heart Say goodnight forever, honey Sleep well - it whispers to me And with one Just one chilling press Brings my beating heart To a standstill. Pain has robbed me of everything Soul and body My heartbeats too.