thanks i am giving... not that i mind i am just sick of being left to myself. a frozen watch hands that once measured the warm active moments of needs a wind. my heart is dusty it remembers some clear and sweet moments that i yearn for to spend with others instead of being someone's knick knack in need of a dusting on a shelf. some will stop and say "hello" since the clock doesn't tick they only count their finer moments ones that often replace me in such minutes of the future lost and now hollow. why have you forgotten what the need of this day truthfully means? not just obligation to attend another's rythmic holiday routines but to have those who feel such company a blessing.. it has been so long on this day of "thanks" i am giving... pass the dressing,.. as tears stream even though i am told to like my own company these bare and echoing halls slowly drive me insane as on another company-less holiday i sit and remember other days where people truly needed and yearned for my company instead of flashing memories looking out a ***** old window pane