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Nov 2017
☰☰☰☰☰☰✈ The U.S. govt. sacrificed 3,000 soldiers at Pearl Harbor in 1941 to the Empire of Japan; the U.S. govt. poisons and adulterates our water with the waste product sodium fluoride and the blood intoxicant known as lithium (as well as innumerable heavy metals and pesticides). The U.S. govt. clouds the skies with aluminum oxide and barium salt. I am able and willing to turn YOU over to Iraq's citizens for dispensation. ****** is ******. The murdering of children is especially abhorrent.

WEB: In the long run, routine deception by the police tears at our social fabric, and undermines the law enforcement system. The more police lie, the more skeptical juries are going to be, even when police are telling the truth.

β€œWar is coming. 1941, they say...It's all going to happen. All the things you've got at the back of your mind, the things you're terrified of, the things that you tell yourself are just a nightmare or only happen in foreign countries. The bombs, the food-queues, the rubber truncheons, the barbed wire, the coloured shirts, the slogans, the enormous faces, the machine-guns squirting out of bedroom windows. It's all going to happen.” – George Orwell: Coming Up for Air p. 274

Dave Foreman, Earth First : β€œMy three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with its full complement of species, returning throughout the world.”

David Brower, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club: β€œChildbearing [should be] a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license … All potential parents [should be] required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.”

Bill Maher: β€œI’m pro-choice, I’m for assisted suicide, I’m for regular suicide, I’m for whatever gets the freeway moving – that’s what I’m for. It’s too crowded, the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.”

Democrat strategist Steven Rattner: β€œWE need death panels. Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently β€” rationing, by its proper name β€” the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”

Barack Obama’s primary science adviser, JohnΒ Β Holdren: β€œA program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than trying to sterilize men. The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission, for a limited number of births.”

Finnish environmentalist Pentti Linkola: β€œIf there were a button I could press, I would sacrifice myself without hesitating if it meant millions of people would die.”

Also, by eugenist Peter Singer: β€œSome people carry genes that mean any children they produce will be severely mentally *******. As long as the lives of these children are pleasant, it would not, according to the replaceability argument, be wrong to perform a scientific experiment on a child that resulted in the death of the child, provided another child could be conceived to take its place.”

The border that separates Haiti & the Dominican Republic, on the 29,530 square mile Island of Hispaniola, is ruthlessly guarded.

President Richard Nixon Tape #697-29

Nixon: β€œA majority of people in Colorado voted for abortion, I think a majority of people in Michigan are for abortion, I think in both cases, well, certainly in Michigan they will vote for it because they think that what’s going to be aborted generally are the little black *******.”

Nixon Tape #700-10

Nixon:Β Β β€œβ€¦ as I told you and we talked about it earlier, that a hell of a lot of people want to control all the ***** *******.”
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