Here comes The Change That has the range Of emotions And demotions And devotions Of a perilous populous That likes to raise a fuss When they eventually learn who I am And treat me like I'm the Son of Sam
To be specific They discover I'm gay And begin to filet My mentality In totality For fatality Merely by acting differently
If my sexuality isn't the first thing people know about me I get to witness The Change Like a dog with mange I am shedding my hair While screaming no fair Because of the shift I see Because of the **** I need To make my heart bleed
There is a steady bellowing burdensome baggage From those that want to ****** some ******* So I search for weight lifters But only find shapeshifters That become great grifters When The Change occurs And The Change burns So The Change turned Me into an interdimensional changeling And an unintentional rage king After they use words like flaming Because the results are so draining It becomes hard not to hate people Who are inspired by hate steeples
They say I'm going to Hell While I notice the smell Of being buried in their banal **** While they play their greatest hits That are as unoriginal As they are cynical They say I'm a degenerate An embarrassment A parent's lament
I want to change into a carefree bird Instead I stay in Hell with the herd Wanting to escape like Lupin the Third Rather than be oppressed like the Kurds But there is no relief Only re-grief When changes aren't permanent But The Change is
There's an illustration of my life That will change your perspective The picture is in my words When the painting is what I choose to say And the canvas is your mind Whose textures I could never imagine So I jump off a cliff blindfolded Expecting to be changed once I land