Bruises are not always visible, some are under the surface.
I have been through hell and back, took a tip through the creak, returned with bruises.
I am stronger for the wear, but I still have deep scares from all I bare.
Once I thought love was going to make me happy, because I thought that’s what love is.
I have learned love isn’t always happy, love can hurt, love can leave you lonely and sad.
Why? Because love is a complex feeling.
In my experience with love, I have seen the stars light up for me but I have also watched as the sun collided with my universe destroying everything I held dear.
I have loved and lost I have fought parolees spaces of endless time, where love seemed so far away.
I have learned how to love myself, do to the fact that love can’t love itself.
To love is the most selfless act there is, because you have to give yourself to someone else to allow it to happen.
Love isn’t about you, love is about everything else.
Letting go of your selfish lives so someone can love you, that’s the hardest thing to do.