to write a poem, what is the point to pick such topics just the right word, that amazing phrase an awe inspiring emotion to put pen to paper or more commonly now fingers to keys why such an urge who does it benefit the writer, the reader or maybe the dog? should it be vivid should it be magical how about beautiful or even disturbing should it make you laugh or tear or should it just simply make you think hard and deep and even self question or bring you back to that moment way back when is it because you have a logolepsy? or maybe ahypnia? it's starting to become achroous, this examination of the verse when all I want to make is an alborado, to sing your praises and write about pageism why not? this galanty is so much fun, are poems a paideia? or are they just to say your point, a rush of emotions a release of the tension the sharing of love and the caress of sadness though I'd rather aim to macarize and cause habromania or dacrygelosis so don't moue it's not my fault you'd rather patavinity I should just write a decastich I know, I know all this garniture, is causing garboil stop this gemebund to write is to write be poem, story, song they are all precious in their own self
Scripturient - having violent desire to write. (scripturiency) Logolepsy - an obsession with words Ahypnia - insomnia Achroous - colorless Alborado - morning song. Pageism - masochism fantasy of a man imagining himself as servant to a beautiful woman Galanty - shadow play Paideia - education aimed at forming an enlightened, mature mind. Macarize - to make happy; to praise Habromania - extreme euphoria Dacrygelosis - condition of alternating laughing and crying Moue - pout; grimace Patavinity - the use of local or provincial words Decastich - ten-line poem. Garboil - confusion Gemebund - a constant moaning Satisdiction - enough said