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Aug 2012
the petrol gauge of time moves you
shoots its juice into your veins
that throb and burst with unseen intensity
energised into the forum of your day

sail, reaching our for the horizon of a
dreamt image, afloat and biting
to taste its spicy spine tingling emotion

grappling to chase out the dead sea of seasons past
hedging you round the golden hem
clear in its calling

i asked you, today of all days
how you’d handle it, you know, the pull of the current
biceps straining to reach your horizon
the backward glance of the silken hem

how would it take you, affect your gaze on reality
a raw comparison perhaps
but a genuine smile  …..

casting you away
Laura Susan Smith
Written by
Laura Susan Smith  Warwickshire - England
(Warwickshire - England)   
   Deepsha and CA Guilfoyle
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