There was a time in the sixties and the seventies when the idea of social justice was taken seriously even by the elites, the shipping tycoons of the day, who paid (more or less) the taxes like everybody else. But times improved for everyone, oil was found and people were quite prosperous and lived in a cocoon of self-satisfaction, and when people from poorer nations knocked on our doors, the found the same door only half ajar, and the people why should we to share our wealth with the poor; the transition from equality To unfairness was complete. A nation that thought their riches was based on hard work when it was based on a commodity called oil needed to drive cars and keep The wheels of capitalism are running. In the process the Norwegian bought houses in Spain because it was cheap to buy at a place where wages were low for the workers while the bosses made fortunes selling that, in the long run, turned out to be substandard and Only the low-cost material was used. The Nordics felt racial superior to the Spanish people and made their own small society a waved their flags on Iberian soil, and yet they feel they have not done anything wrong