There is so much So much in my head So many things I wish I could say I wish I could say to you But I only have these thoughts In certain moods of the day In anger, I want to say: That you act like immature teenager sometimes.. That sometimes the things you say just aggrivate me to no end.. That it makes me want to smash my head against a wall.. That you don't know as much as you think.. In sadness, I want to say: That I miss seeing you That I sometimes feel like I don't know you anymore That I feel you drifting That I feel I'm losing you That you might already be gone... In happiness, I want to say: That you are one if the best things that ever happened to me That I don't regret a thing with you That all I want to do is sit with you and just talk the day away That I love you... But I can't Because you aren't here anymore And when you are its too brief to say it And if I do, you might leave So these can only stay as Things I wish I could say..
So much jumbled in my mind... and no way to express it.... except with this.... and no one may see the message..