She has hair short, and even though she has the face of an angel and a heart of gold, she can't be a natural beauty according to the world.
The waist line of her dress on her long torso falls a couple ribs short.
A couple seconds short for 1st place. She will push and push getting her short legs to take her as fast as they can go and get in 4th place. Not a natural runner that's for sure.
But her legs are strong and so are her hopes, she won't stop running, she won't stop trying. She will keep pushing to get through the barrier that's almost as thick as her stubborn skull.
In that cranium she will jam months of school work, assignments, pages of blank notes into one night. She wakes up the next day, takes her final exam, and comes home with a barely passing D. No, definitely not a natural student.
But she will take that D and make it something beautiful, something worth looking at. An object more than just a letter, where lines to her are perfect and proportionate and can flow onto the page at her own pace.
That big red D on that paper of black and white now looks like a unicorn jumping over a rainbow that emerges from the depths of the ocean of Failure.
Her parents look at the paper and say "Wow, you are a natural artist, but you know what that gets you?" "What?" she asks. "Nothing!"
But she is the girl with the short hair, the long torso, and short legs that carry the biggest heart and the thickest head. No matter how unnaturally things may come to her she will keep going with a huge smile on that angel face of hers.