I extend my hand toward you. The first few notes of the song begins. You repeat the action. I take hold of your hand, Spin you towards me and the middle of it all. Your eyes gleaming. Your dress sparkling in the moonlight. Your hair moving with grace through the wind.
Our eyes yet to unlock. We begin our dance. We entangle, we untangle. We twist, we straighten. We live.
Our legs become blurs in the night. I, the moon setting the motions. You, the ocean setting the rhythm and pace. The music seems to fade all around us. People stop dancing to watch.
The world was watching this gracefully dance. Yin and Yang split between us. Water and fire, Co-existing together in motions. The music slowly bled back in.
I pull you towards me one last time. The moon shining the way As you come. Our exhausted bodies, breathe in rhythm. Our dance was done.