God looked down on his creation. Adam had just named every living thing. And every living thing had a soulmate. But Adam felt, alone. Adam stared into the waters But he did not know that his eyes were meant To meet other eyes in harmony. Suddenly Adam felt tired. His eyes felt heavy. He had to go find a place to lie down Adam began to walk. But his leg folded under him And he went to sleep by the waters.
God came down to earth. He created an opening in Adam’s side. Because what Adam needed Had to come from Adam himself. It was a rib. That came from the cage of Adam Because she is meant to make Adam free. God took the rib And closed up Adam So that Adam could be restored God’s hands began to fashion woman. Not from mere clay and water But from righteous bone. She would be his helpmate And someone to fill what Adam was missing.
God then held Eve. She was God’s most beautiful creation. Eve did not come from a Word. Or the dirt underneath the Earth But from the bone of the living. God then woke up Adam. He said, Adam, wake up! Adam was lying down again. But this time when he woke up He had a companion.
It was the first wedding ceremony. And the couple was excited. God was both father and pastor. He walked the bride to Adam. The angels in heaven were the wedding guests. Adam did not have to give a ring Because he gave a rib for Eve Then God stood between Adam and Eve God said to Adam, You may kiss the bride. I now pronounce you husband and wife. Adam and Eve embraced. They were in each other arms. The waters captured the wedding in pictures Too good to be described by words. They then went on a honeymoon In the garden of paradise.