"Heavy Wasting"
How truly I despise the heavy, wasting
Lethargy that had entombed my soul in
Life's stagnant morass, the bleak and bilious
Sludge waters of depressive thought. Yet this
Common, painful, aspect of life devouring
Us, molding us, choking us, is but one
Of many stabs and ****** assailing us
Maiming us, killing us. The uncountable
Steps of all humanity have been amid
An indifferent universe, forming
And shaping with pleasures and ills. We are
Part of the whole, not its center, and the
Depths and heights we reach are our own. Unique
Individual, unfavoured, free, we
Are cast into life a seed, a potential
Of being, a glimmer in the eye of
What passes for god. We inspire the
Eternal infinite variety
Moment by moment, unending, and we
Become enmeshed in what we have perceived
How we have perceived it. Flowing, growing
We are grains of sand, beautiful, lovely,
Temporary, grains of sand on a billion
Worlds. Or, we may be tortured souls, wandering
Among countless vile beings defiling
Us at every turn. Often, much, much, much
More often than we know, the choice is ours.