Some people honestly think That there is a Build-a-Hero workshop. A store that they can go to. And all of their heroes are on the wall. The ones they like right at the window. So that these people can say. I’ll have this hero right here. With these qualities Yeah, give me charisma And honesty And good looks And the gift of words. But don’t give me struggle Don’t give me pain. I already have that. I don’t need a hero with flaws That I see in myself. That would make them real. I can't have a hero with flaws That I don't approve of.
So they take the hero to pay for them. They give them a sugarcoat. And the cashier looks at them. And takes their card But tells them that it is insufficient funds Because they cannot afford this hero. No one has that amount of money Such people don’t exist. But if they want this hero to be real They should look in their everyday lives And at the actual lives of their heroes To take the sugarcoat off So that they are free to admire those who inspire Because there is no inspiration without pain. And no pain without struggle But the struggle they endured Bring our heroes closer to us.