objectification, sorry, i'm a little bit confused: so it's not o.k. when a woman's body is objectified, but it'd necessarily "correct" to disqualify a man's argument on the basis that he's not "objective" enough? a woman's genitals, objects that they are can't be objectified, but a man's intellect has to suddenly become a ******* cesspool of a congregational: in your honour *******? so a woman can get away by being objectified for her reproductive objects, but a man has to be subjected as his ego "magically" turning into a phallus for a "wrong" opinion?! last time i checked an object was just that, an object... i can't be even bothered arguing this statement outside a chimp confinery.... thank **** i don't need to *******... let some camel-jockey do the hard bit... beta male? beyond that, there's no beta or alpha left in me, there's only omega. male. i'm done... hey presto, enter houdini, pinch and a dozen of *****, last time was the lobster taken on: a free thrill.