Of all the perks in life I love I'll admit there's one I hold above all else that may impress it's the style of that exceeds signature of a sparkling soul manifest to show the world.
Of course the surface is quite nice a smile and curves that combine radiant by measure I'll attest yet this pales by what's beyond blend by hand of artisan with credit due to the same.
Calling forth from pop culture amalgamation of history what's been old is made new stirred together to express what's come before is the truth for personality now imbued.
Now I'll state what must be said with little wind I still have left after they’ve robbed my breath beauty blessed by style's intent attention turns to those who walk on the paths they make their own.
Many of my friends are quite lovely. Some are lovely plus some. That’s because they have a personal style laid on top of their natural beauty. “Style’s Intent” is about these occurrences.