to even exist anymore is it I or am I you Television picture Do you wish I did not Reflect so white on your wall Or that my fingernails would dig so deep Into the black moist earth of your mind A glass consciousnesses \can be broken in a crystal instant Forever cursed or blessed Once again Nothing Strange picture on the wall Will not flash at all A picture of you Paper and ink Do you think When you die- Is it everything Or nothing?
Second Stanza Broken apart Like your sentences In that last conversation The air Is so thick with politeness So physical the soft of white skin Or mental Thoughts becoming Thin Bones of fingers or skull cap The sing song language of your eyelashes Open me Close me I am at your command Free to be used Or left alone to rot In the dark dungeon even that water that is thick and black The smell of that water sulfuric even this water will quench the thirst of any dying man Gurgle out your last words once more (scripted) Heavy words that
spill // through cracked lips porcelain teeth "Do not leave me. Hold so tightly that last breath."