There are three ways to get to the supermarket Two ways to get to the beach and four ways to get out of town when your heading for the city lights and at least one of those ways each way, goes past my yard and everyday he was off to somewhere different but he always always stopped to admire my roses. I'd started growing them six years ago when my Dad started exhibiting a less than normal glow and I wanted to bring the colour back to his cheeks, the joy back to his mind and the simple beauty of life back to his damaged soul And when the time came to say goodbye there was 12 dozen roses, a rainbow of soft glowing petals drowning his coffin so I couldn't see the long wooden box that held my heart as I said goodbye The sea of colour lives on in my yard, year after year and the young man that stopped everyday just to look at the beauty that lived there, being magnificent, all perfumed and soft and dewy never said Hello to me, even when I was just wandering through the aisles of Yellows and Whites and Reds and the Blue Moons and the Apricot Dreams. He just looked at me and while I smiled at him he'd just shake his head and continue to walk on to the supermarket or the beach or to catch the bus to the big city. But he never, ever spoke to me. Not in words anyway... One day I realized, it had been a little while since that young man stopped by my yard to gaze at the roses So I asked around and found that he had passed away just the other day and that afternoon a young lady paused at my gate and for the first time somebody opened it and stepped through to talk to me... I'm sorry to intrude... but my brother... you see he was captured in combat and tortured and he came back different and just recently he started talking about roses, and how all the colour was gone in the world except for the one place, down by the sea where life was a rainbow and if ever he had to go away he wanted to be covered by the roses down by the sea... She stopped suddenly with tears in her eyes and waited and I just silently cut 12 dozen roses to pile into her arms When the colour goes out of the world and black and white is more than just reality, when colour blind people can't see the beauty in a world that is grossly unfair in what it takes away I whispered into my heart *Dad if you see that young man with a rainbow of roses like the ones you held* make sureΒ Β you look after him for me