Reflections I feel. Reflections that steal like a thief in my eyes. In a day full of highs...reflections are low. Sometimes I wish those reflections would go. Another wish unfulfilled like a dream I once had,when things weren't so bad and all I could see when I was looking at me was a young man on the make. If I could take back the years and the time that has passed,the ref...lection I see couldn't possibly last.
But now I see deep inside..where Devils and Angels play games and in those hide and seek names they remind me of Heaven and Hell. The Sunday School bell.
I look for a while and realise all is well and that this is the way I suppose it to be.. reflections of me.. ...I can see shattered stones,mountains of bones and dry river beds, uncoloured sky and a time that won't die..a peace blown apart.
A start an an end A refusal to bend A message I know I must send to apologise. In a day full of highs.. ..Reflections are low.