my mother went mad, beat me with a belt, after she found me walking back with hubert from an abandoned house, just days prior hubert's mother committed suicide by drinking vinegar, and then eating a whole chicken, bloating her stomach till it exploded - me and ol' hubert, who-ber-chique - apologies for missing diacritical marks... i remember those two belts and the warm bath afterwards... but i also rather prefer hubert and his mother's suicide, and his mother drinking vinegar to shrink her stomach... and why do i still remember that? the sunset... doesn't matter if i still live with the people that used the double-belt snapper of correction... i've become immune to a lot of things down the years: it's almost a boring affair to hear of lawsuits... to hear of whatever "needs" to be heard... i'm more interested in oysters whistlings, or lobsters singing an opera; than the elevated simultaneously disgraced humanity: weak, as if collectively stricken by a holocaust memorial need to rather remember: than to celebrate! these days, man is just that: a creature memorised, rather than a creature jubilant! **** sapiens is dodo! these days we are talking: **** memento versus **** celebro! we cannot be conditioned by the schizoid fabrication of the supposed "sapiens" by both the memorisation and by both the celebration... it's rather irrational to celebrate while forgetting, while at the same time "rational" to remember while not celebrating... it's 5 am and i'm drunk, and i don't actually feel like guiding what could have been a rather decent dialogue, but is, rather, a perfected drinking insinuation of a . being the: reclining artefact of a full-stop.