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Oct 2017
It's Kiss Me Where it's Dark, the comedy Cinema Mexicana smash hit, sci-fi thriller with something for everybody from the novel series Kiss Me in a Dark Place...a young Antonio Sanchez works nights selling roasted peanuts to support his day-time activity as resident brain surgeon at Mexico's finest research hospital: Diego Moreno Memorial. Nursing student Franchesca Castro {played by the versatile Helena Renaldo} embraces young Tony in a surgical theater making for one of the most memorable eye-popping, bra-stretching, zipper-sticking scenes in cinematic history. I give this film my top rating of 5 hose-lengths.
   My bikini top was tightly twisted about my throat & my eyes were bulging as my whites turned red. I breathed a sigh of relief when the plastic ringlet what held the cups together snapped, breaking the ligature. How could something like this have happened? Let's trace our steps: 7 a.m.: Awoken to alarm clock after 10 hours of fitful sleep. 7:40: Shower, shave, bikini wax. 8:30: Hardy breakfast: eggs, cream corn. 9 a.m.: Arrive at job site. Noon – 6 p.m.: Blacked out...against a hard, vitamin-like surface. Next, do: food-as-poison concept...
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