CHEMO- IS NOT THERAPEUTIC! Chemo- kills indiscriminately! Tumors are constructed to "wall off" propagating outcroppings of malignant-cell structures. Tumors "imprison" cancer with varying degrees of success. The immune system and cancer cells are electrostatically-charged negative. Like-charges repel, opposites attract. A fully-charged immune system CANNOT attack cancer, thankfully. If it could it (the immune system) would attack placental & pre-embryonic cells and the consequence of that would be: all mammalian pregnancies would be terminated by the immune system. Cancer (neo-plastic/neo-plasm = new life) and pregnancy (new life) are intricately linked. Susan G. Komen has supplanted the militancy & outrage of patients swindled by the allopathic cancer cartel (married monopolies) with adulation for oncological quacks who answer to no one. ALL vitamin-deficiency diseases were said (by allopathic "doctors") to run in families. Diets are familial, not chronic metabolic maladies. Cancer cells are indistinguishable from pre-embryonal cells. Cancer is a symptom of malnutrition. Divide and conquer is a precept of war. There are now hundreds of "cancers." Treatment strategies are customized & personalized. The cancer industry has created an "army" of clinicians, physicians & laboratorians to win "battles" against cancer. The cancer industry mounts "campaigns." Nixon declared "war" on cancer. Cancer-diseased women are "drafted" into breast cancer "boot-camps." Patients "fight" cancer heroically & bravely. The cancer industry has an "arsenal" of treatment options. Next year a new "weapon" against cancer will be unveiled. Several years ago the cancerocidal "gamma knife" was used on Patrick Swayze to "fortify" his "battle stratagem." Doctors, researchers & nurses of cancrology are "foot soldiers on the march" sworn to the selfless task of preventing, treating & curing a morass of dreadful cancerigenic diseases that plague modern man. Is no one safe?Β Β B vitamins are water soluble. There's no known toxicity. Take your B17 with meals, along with zinc & pancreatic enzymes. B17 won't necessarily dissolve your tumors. B17 will **** the cancer cells within the tumors. The tumors will temporarily swell as these cancer cells die. Monitor your results with ***** analysis pregnancy tests (they work equally well for males). Positive test results = cancer (&/or pregnancy or faulty test result.). You can buy the tests at Dollar Tree for a buck (of course). B17 capsules come in 100 m.g., 250 m.g., 500 m.g. & 1,000 m.g.-strength doses. Once your cancer is eradicated (once you start turning out negative pregnancy tests) you can cut your dosage of B17 to as little as 100 m.g. per day as a maintenance dose. Meanwhile, eat the seeds of apples, watermelons. Eat leaf spinach, collard greens & mustard greens. B17 will stop the cancer process. B17 will not restore you to perfect health. Your tumors (or vestiges of tumors) may remain.