Live the day carpe diem? but it's a hybrid a cross-over a carry-forward from yesterday the day and days before yesterday
the work-in-progress that has to be completed and what's undone will be in transit in the continuum of time for today doesn't end with a full-stop but with a comma to affix itself to endless ones to follow. Question marks fill its pages interspersed with semi-colons that abound- and exclamations are not gestures of joy or triumph but more like lamentations and heavy sighs-
24 hours it makes no sense it's a device designed to fragment time and moments- the day merely holds activities in suspense- nothing is perfectly done
the day is but a stop-over a page in the calendar of time part of a song or a symphony awaiting fine-tuning a book that's unfinished a hesistant poem in the making
everyone is a performer the stage- curtain never falls like the end of a show