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Jul 2012
Sometimes I just wanna start over,
to wipe the slate clean and start again.
Other times I'm glad the slate is still defiled.

Why is it so hard to live up to my own expectations?
To fulfill my own aspirations?
To grapple with these emotions?
To deal with this commotion?

Cognitive pollution, sensory delusion.
Mental illusion, emotional contusion.
Chaotic infusion, and ******-up institutions.

Sometimes it's hard to cope.
I just want to elope, to float
to make a clean escape from myself.
To go on vacation and not to invite myself.
To lock myself away within myself
with no on else around to remind myself
of how I so seek to find a way
to cope with myself.
Anubis the Philosomancer
Written by
Anubis the Philosomancer  29/We're all a bit mad here.
(29/We're all a bit mad here.)   
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