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Oct 2017
Locked in a cell block of human live stocks
You can stuff it with ballots or build it with blocs
But the freedom you dream of is just an
To Malthus preclusions foregoing infusions
Of classes and races and genders and creeds
And the wanting more needs that democracy breeds
When we re-elect greed so it regulates voice
And then blows out our brains as it propagates choice
In the form of a cycle of wage-enslaved debt
Still trickling down into your glass of forget to regretΒ Β 
Politician magicians use sleight of hand theft
To empty both pockets, the right and the left
And campaign on the same cheaters running the game
Who off-shore account lion shares of the blame
For the blood as it leaks on the bills from the ceiling
Their crimes are 9/10ths of this court of appealing
Back door patrol dealing like pimps in a club
Made of rolling green Edens on Earth and above
Who deny us so much as a crumb of the cake
That we eat so much garbage it stops tasting fake
Michael Marchese
Written by
Michael Marchese  29/M/California
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