I am awoken by a nagging in my head its in my mothers voice the urgency, I don't know what for, its 5 am. my submission doesn't speak. I fill the air with the sound of my nonsense, a rambling of dreams, "dont burst the bubble, burst the bubble, burst the-" a never ending melody. Because there is nothing louder than this, I have wanted to crawl out of my skin long before I knew it was mine. And theirs, not mine entirely, composed of DNA so imperfect even the gods would've laughed. If you ever want to **** something up to the point its unrecognizable, give it to me, look what I did to my own potential. Squander doesn't begin to cover it, almost out of spite. and i must stop it before it reaches my eyes it has a certain way of clouding them over and I just dont want people to realize that I am swallowing a lump at the back of my throat what seems like forever trying not to get my eyes to burn or dig my nails deep into someones throat just to feel their artery and scream "YOU ******* FEEL IT DONT YOU? ARE YOU ALIVE? ARE YOU REALLY HERE? YOU ARE ALIVE, ALIVE ALIVE!." Then place the sharp bits of my nails against my skin, hard and not feel anything I struggle with self control especially with *** and drugs and alcohol.
I yell too often, never loud enough to make them hear me. I am afraid of my own voice telling people to shut up Jack knows its not a good thing if I whisper last time I did I said "I don't have a pulse, I cant find my pulse." Before I freaked out and smashed that vase against the wall and laughed at what a sad broken cliche I have become. My anger came out in sputtering sobs
And he tried to hold me because that's what people do in movies cue the background music but I didn't let him because I was never any good at acting,
and he never got mad when I hit him I can hear that "Sshhhh" at the back of my ear Forever. and I could wince at my own humiliation if I gave a ****. I wont lie it was awkward he sounded scared "aww dont c-c-ry" thought I saw a tear there too