She's really cute. You talk about her the way I talk about you. And you know it. Can you tell that I've guessed?
I haven't decided to ask you much about her yet. I think I know what you might answer. Your face lights up when you talk to her. Which happens all the time, I fear.
I still have yet to decide. Would I rather see you happy? Or see you be mine? And then I remember you're still my friend first.
Yesterday to my friend, I said You really just liked me as a friend. I couldn't be more glad Did you expect me to be overly sad?
You're an amazing person, So sweet and kind I really suppose I'm learning You're the kind of person I need to find.
So I suppose I'm in the friend zone. But it's not the worst way to go. At least we're still friends. And I hope that doesn't end.
In the end my respect for you, Wins above it all You're my friend and I appreciate you, Through everything all and all.