there are two voices in my head one is soothing and low and warm across my skin and one is like a sudden bloom of thorns in my chest poking holes in my lungs so i gasp for each breath i try to only listen to the soothing voice who tells me i am wise even though i am young and eventually i'll make the right choice but the voice like thorns is assertive and loud and she doesn't let herself be drowned out
she tells me i'm worthless i'm fat stupid unloveable annoying
i'll never be as pretty as her no one wants someone who looks like me who's been tainted by **** who is broken and incomplete
and she is LYING and i know she is lying but she is a VERY good liar
so i believe her and her insidious lies and i stare longingly at the razor sharp knives in my kitchen drawer and i updated my suicide note for the umpteenth time because this time like all times i am filled with sick, twisted hope
maybe this time i'll do it
maybe this time i won't get caught
maybe this time i will finally die in peace
because my existence is this weird paradox where i don't want to die but to live is almost worse it's so much work it takes so much effort just to get out of bed and survive i can't even fathom what it would be like to thrive