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Oct 2017
They call me a *****
With an attitude
Cuz I feed fued to energy
I'm tryna better ye
But if I better thee
People begin jealousy
For no apparent reasons
See folks is like the seasons
Change the attitude
As altitude
Frequency sooth the mood
If you on higher plains
It like food for the brain
And you'll rise
Above the rest
Low frequencies always
Put through a rest
So free your thoughts
Because they being bought
Through the tv's and advertised
See I crash boards
I excel harm without the
Used of my vocal chords
See words is swords
See the rhymes play I slay
Any adversaries they stay buried
And worried
Stressed because of my next move
But they stuck in a guess
Cuz they don't know until
My actions manifest
By the time they catch up
They'll be put to rest
My mind is grotesque shatter
Like a pumpkin brisk
Hammered by lbs of pressure
So free your thoughts
And use your heart
Bloodline of King Yashayah
Written by
Bloodline of King Yashayah  26/M/Hell on Earth Since Birth
(26/M/Hell on Earth Since Birth)   
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