it must be one one of my favourite quotes, given the thickness of the novel, thick as a hefty loaf of bread...
to angels - the vision of god's throne; to insects - sensual lust.
and some for others: the liking toward music playing is much more than toward a woman moaning, subsequently snoring...
in a tight-fit straitjacket, a women loses all the time when compared to music:
musica omni vincit consortium sine opus femina enim
music wins all consort without a need for a woman
a "... stressors galore... when roger became the rabbit, and the rest was the warner & co. humming party imitating atillas' yawn... and the lost genghis trip into movie...
mort apparens in rufus; rufus vividae; agricola in cataracta;
death apparent in red, the vivid red; closure in a waterfall.