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Oct 2017
People entered my soul without notice
They visited me
and they lived in me
Their strenght was all I need
And I depended on them
And I let them change me
to be better of course
I never knew what I kept
inside of me
Until one day
I opened up
I said what I wanted to say
I acted naturally
I wasn't too shy
I let go of my insecurities
I let go of past judgments that were
always sticked to my thoughts

New beginnings are scary at first
but they are filled with new feelings
New excitments
They make you who you are
You become stronger
You feel better
But that doesn't mean
that there weren't lonely days and lonely nights
when all I ever did
was remember past memories
and look at old photos
It's not that easy to forget people
that you love
I'm not forgetting them
I'm just learning how to live without them
Written by
Marie-Lyne  Montreal
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