One day I’m going to do it I’m going to be truly free I may be too old to even know But in my mind I will see I will see everything I ever believed And I wonder if I will laugh or cry Because I will be what I never was And I will know how it is to not know why I like to flash forward and over-expose my dream I want to see what a distorted world it might be In each frame the truth and the fiction alternate As it speeds up you’ll not know if it’s you or if it’s me I can think of every mass I ever attended And how my Father made me stand straight Or I can think about how stupid I was When I told someone about their coming fate But an old man who embarrasses his children Is not something to aspire to become But how can I avenge myself against those who I slaved for If I don’t grow a beard and drink too much ***? I want a statue on the shore of every eroded dream I want one facing the north, the west and to the east But ne’er the south for that is which way the wind came A freeman must point to that which he knows least Oh what exaggeration could I tell as the film snaps in my mind? What words other than these in my hand could shock and awe? How telling to desire the odd look of bemused judgment from another For to not care of anyone or anything is the mark of freedom’s call Yes freedom… and yet how many cannot accept a free man? How many wish to tell me exactly what I should say, do or wear? Can a man imprisoned in his own mind lock the door to mine? Can an escapee be held by someone armed with mere prayer? In what natural state of light flickered by God’s whims must I seek? For the reel to reel that comes to my dreams can only be spliced by hope And even if tomorrow which is all I live for never arrives I already know what I want to be is what I am as I remove society’s rope