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Mar 2010
  Torn by the words of carnal foolsLost in seas of filthy thought,Confused by those who slease away And mindlessly contribute nought.Bouncing back and forth the banterWinning points imagined soSubstanceless determined byThe vacuum shown in what they know.How they bruise that thin veneerThe pride, the love, the passion spentIn forging words and sequencesWhich elevate the soul's intent.To wallow in a pool of mireTo lose the grip of good restraintTo demonstrate for all to seeThat worthyness they claim.....just aint !! Marshalg@theBachMangere Bridge1 March 2010
Marshal Gebbie
Written by
Marshal Gebbie  79/M/"Foxglove",Taranaki, NZ
(79/M/"Foxglove",Taranaki, NZ)   
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