It is always me among the sidewalks & trees, eating carrots & peas, surfing angry seas, picking dogs off fleas, cutting blank house keys, striking mercy pleas & wringing the necks of Thanksgiving turkeys This true-to-scale tattooed face of Hillary Clinton isn't on my fat *** for fun, as I had to endure the pain of gay Bill Clinton to get it done Kristina Magnesiumο»Ώ, it's my wasted effort, this running-in-place for rhythm methodologies while graphing Earth moon's menstrual pace Explore your innermost womanhood like 12 gynecologists see your sister's mother, knocked up in the cellar by you or your step-brother Let's not **** in anger nor act out our nagging suspicions my pet & let's eat smart brain food so that we'll never forget that we ever met Let's never **** in anger nor question nagging suspicions my pet & let's dine with rhinos so that we'll unlikely forget when we first met Let us not **** in anger nor dredge up a million nagging suspicions my feline pet & we'll forget kitty-lovin' things that I'll always regret