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Oct 2017
Love connects people
Brings them together
Binds them together
Keeps them together
Love is a beautiful thing

May the excitement of the day
The beautiful dresses and suits
The magic and joy in the air
Scores of family and friends
Never cloud the fact that
It's all about love
Love is a wonderful thing

This is the day made by the Lord
Ordained before time
Cherish, enjoy and treasure it
It's the genesis of a sacred union
Two hearts woven to be one
To live in holy matrimony
Love is a powerful thing

We wish you well
We pray for you
We support you
Blessings and fortunes be upon you
Good health and longevity be upon you
Prosperity and success be upon you
Love is a glorious thing

May your house be filled with love and laughter
May you be a powerful force
May the best years of your lives start today
May you show the world:
Love is alive
Love is a beautiful thing.
Eddie Matikiti
Written by
Eddie Matikiti  Johannesburg
   --- and Emmanuel
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