The only thing brighter than hope is loss it chews into the goldsmith that makes the soul and gnaws me into colors each part of me flying down into the wilderness I am fluttering as the farmer ploughs me into earth where my intensity can rest.
In full dress once I left an economy of boughs, the candle isn't lit, a wick without its crown I leave the world schooled in lean and lithe, a yogi, I am here to study my own neglect. The rest of the world, lion bodied, glances at my century of rough.
But I robed the ground with my convictions I couldn’t keep them seasons burst out of me even if I wanted to hoard my greedy treasures for myself I couldn't thus robbed of my enfranchisement I mutter in time to the wind sorrow gave me this reason-flayed second purpose
Which is to feed others, my body now a spilled nut I am birded by the sowing belly of earth my bells are rained and pinched by this tapering I am being shrunk to get through the door to death only snow will enter in the end when I am covered white and immaculate together we give up color for the season of bones.