I am frayed at my edges chipped cracked and broken in places
I have been too long in the world.
Have listened too long to the THOU SHALT NOTs the I WANT IT ALL MY WAYs the IT'S MY RIGHTs and I have let them dry the lake of my soul with their drains and siphons
I have been too long in the world.
I shall use the golden joinery of the Japanese art to honor my frayed edges weave a golden, or silver, or platinum thread through them fill my cracks and broken places with lacquered metals
I have been too long in the world.
other edges, smashed to smithereens, will be left as they lay jutted, stiff while the softened, smashed powder from them I'll keep in a medicine bag and mix it, as needed, with my blood stirred into a salve, a queen of healing
I have been too long in the world.
my thousand-times-broken heart repaired and repaired and repaired and re-paired I will wrap like the gift it is with the gold of Love while laughter falls from it salve regina