When Otto Frank returned to his city He knew, already, that his wife was dead. Of his girls, Margot and Ann, he had yet heard nothing. The silence gave birth to foreboding and dread.
On the day that he learned of his familiesβ fate; That day that he learned both his daughters were gone. Frank took on the mission of finding the traitor: Who informed the Gestapo? Who raised the alarm?
He once again walked the streets of his city, Free to enjoy the warmth of the Sun. Reliving the same day over and over; The day they were taken at the point of a gun.
Which smiling face? Which former employee had hated the Jews in the depths of their heart? Why did the food that he ate taste like ashes? Why did his girls die just a few days apart?
One man in one lifetime could not find the answer Otto Frank died still not knowing the truth. Who had betrayed them, the man and his family? Who was it who stole away beauty and youth?