It's been awhile since I've been able to smile and hold my head up high and there is really no reason why.
I have been given a mind to discover and talent to create but I am always just a day late.
I spend so much time wondering why I just can't relate to so much going on out there in a world of hate, lies, and little trust and of course those great big egos.
The world that I create around myself is filled with love, truth, honesty, and kindness yet this is a world no one chooses to see around me because of what I used to be.
Almost as if I wasn't real yet others always seem to be looking for something to steal.
There are countless paths of knowledge and many ways to give but only I can live the life that I really want to live.
Get rid of my pain I tell myself this pain from losing people and things that I thought were here to stay but seemed to go astray.
I give love at the risk that it will not be returned and when it isn't I wonder if I am giving too much love or not enough but the pain still comes just as surely as the rain.
I try to free myself from the wasted past of things and loves that were never meant to last and I try to never feel guilty because I didn't live up to another's expectations or because I didn't meet another's standards.
One of these days I hope that I will be able to finally see all of what has been going on right in front of me so that I can be set free.
But for now I just allow the words to flow and I watch where they go hoping that they might catch someone's eye and be read before I am dead. Jon York 2012