One day a poet looked up to the sky and wondered... How come we can't add letters to the alphabet? She pondered the question asking for an answer from moon adrift in night sky.
The answer came swiftly. “So you wish to add a letter? Why not a whole language, as the present alphabet used has been molded with cement for minds not use to feeling by ancestors and it could use adjustments. Besides, if you just choose a letter or two unless those reader is awake to feel their meanings, it would not be understood defeating languages purpose." It said sending rays of light in breeze to hug giving poet encouragement.
With a breath an entire language emerged from the woman poet, letter for letter, sound to sound. When done she smiled, feeling the freedom of a spoken language consecrating her tittle of a true creative poetess. It was a language of love brewing in her for ages and now was free like her beating heart.
TO READ ON would mean you would have to read from heart feeling the scripted poem. IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO, just stop here and consider this just a fairytale.
Jalatra la love Eamatra lastene a lonaing letterina lo l a latea Jalantra la love lo uquara la iva love le love lee lay