Rb: then I declare that you Amanda Mustang is both left and right handed
Am: ambidextrous red balloon
Rb: ambiwhich ? Amanda Mustang
Am: ambidextrous means using both your left and right hands
Rb: then you are ambidextrous Amanda Mustang
Am: not really red balloon, both hands must be as good as each other
Rb then I will ask each hand Amanda Mustang
Am: don’t be silly red balloon. for hands and feet and ears cannot speak, they simply are not alive
Rb: but you are alive Amanda Mustang, you began talking the day I imagined you.The other balloons say that you are not real, but I know you exist. Maybe from your point of view I’m made up and the other Amanda Mustangs would say “stop talking to that balloon Amanda Mustang, for balloons and teddy’s and cats cannot speak and balloons and teddy’s and cats are not real”
AM: I’m sorry red balloon
Rb: why so Amanda Mustang ?
Am: well for doubting your existence and I apologize to you too both left and right hands
L and R H: That’s okay Amanda Mustang, we forgive you