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Sep 2017
That boy with a bag on its back
Unwilling to go to school
For it's the very first time
When there will be no one to soothe and repair his wounds.
Going to start a new adventure
That may include tragedy and sorrows
He is unaware
Of his strange teachers and fellows
He'll be moulded perfectly
With basic principles and values
Art, creativity and learning
He'll be shaped serene.
May be, for you very hard to compete
But, Don't worry, All you have to do is filter all your hearings on a screen.
There are high expectations
For your future and career
You  will not have to take it as a depression
Because your parents love you so much limitlessly, crossing all the barriers..
Surbhi Dadhich
Written by
Surbhi Dadhich  18/F/India
   Debanjana Saha
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