I think it's my eyes. The glowing hazle stare blankly piercing through whatever bubbles you've shielded yourself with. Arms crossed means you're defensive, raised tone towards the end of a sentence means you're lying but when your lips scrunch together you're holding back something.
Maybe it's my thought process. One second I'm talking about polar bears celebrating birthdays with ******* and hexagrams when I shift to a rant about my self empowerment through meditation and how astral travel might be real.
Perhaps I'm too comfortable with myself for you to handle. I don't give a **** how tangled my hair is or what weird religious doctrines you follow. Let's have a conversation, not an unruly **** measuring contest.
I truly love you, and all my mild frustration and slight agitation is radiating from a place in my heart that tells me I want you to succeed the most.