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Jul 2012
Dear Diary
   I've always dreamt
of being kissed under the moon,
with such passion,
I practically swoon.
   Only to be caught
by two strong arms,
and be swayed, yet again
by his good looks and charms.
Dear Diary
   Strawberries and wine
seem divine for the time
I have in mind.
Sitting on a blanket
and under one
of stars, for when
the sun
is no more.
   As he walks me to my door
I silently wish for
a peck on the lips
his hands on my hips..
sparks flying,
knots tying in my stomach,
butterflies never dying.
Dear Diary*
   My name is realization
and I am a crazy...frantic...
hopeless romantic.
Written by
Linda Kessler
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