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Sep 2017
Someday ... I'll find it
The sparkle that got lost inside my eye
Someday I'll be able to look back
When someone looks into my eye
I'll be able to laugh with no fear
Of things that haven't come
I will allow myself to feel emotion
If not all, at least some

I'll be able to say "I love you" when I really do
I will be free to be who i want to
The feeling of falling will not come with
The feeling of not being able to stand tall again

The sun will come but it will not blind me
The rain will come but it will not drown me


Life won't be perfect, but my heart will run free
Unchained by the pains of yesterday
It will learn that today should not have to pay
For the mistakes of yesterday
And tomorrow should not take up space in today
For we should not dwell too much in promises

Life will be easier and I will be stronger
And someday
I'll walk with no fear of getting lost
Someday it will not be so hard

The universe is in the process of mending itself
and so is my soul
African Barbie
Written by
African Barbie  Durban, South African
(Durban, South African)   
     Mack, Lauren Leal and JD24
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