Home of the free and land of the brave The home I reside in isn't free and with all these deaths it should've been called land of the grave So, why should I fear death? Even when I go about things the right way and subtract bad decisions death will always be left Keep your eyes peeled and light on your heel These bullets are like my words, not meant for a specific person can be for anyone to feel And I'm not trying to disrespect the people that protest But you'll never see me protest anything because everyday there's a new thing to protest Dead people found in freezers, protest Racial profiling, protest Immigration laws, protest And while we're talking about immigration, I've seen more marriages at the courthouse than ever I'm starting to think nursing isn't where the money and success is at and officiating marriages be my new focus Hurricanes came with pain and aim to level everything so nothing be the same But if you want my opinion, disasters like these give cities new reason to rebuild bigger and better Rebuild and reevaluate financial importance Let's try building more homes and ignore a need for a fence Many people might call this talent but I'm just speaking facts During the daytime I'm just a regular college student trying to find my way in life But at night I'm the dark knight trying to make my city a better place with words instead of bats